Newsletter 01/2023
Dear friends of SENSING!
With the end of 2022, also the official ending of the SENSING Research Group has arrived. In September, we were already discussing and presenting our results and findings in Hannover, where we met the other research groups funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. This final symposium at Schloss Herrenhausen was also a good opportunity to look back on what we had achieved and, of course, to discuss the logic of “research groups with practical modules” as one possible solution to troubles of postgradual education in the humanties.
Also the publication of the journal AugenBlick. Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft in November 2022 is one important achievement of the Research Group. Edited by Bernd Bösel, this 85th issue is titled “Automatisierte Zuwendung: Affektive Medien — Sensible Medien — Fürsorgende Medien” (which roughly translates to “Automated Care: Affective Media — Sensitive Media — Caring Media”). The issue includes a three-part conversation between our PhDs Daniel Stoecker, Nicole Schimkus and Alice Soiné on “Interfacing Constellations” as well as texts by Christian Schwinghammer (on the question of relation), Winfried Gerling (on GoPro), Kathrin Friedrich (on Precision Livestock Farming), among many other wonderful contributions.
Now, in March 2023, the fellows are looking at the final phase of their dissertations, and writing writing writing…! But, already now we can announce a special, and somewhat sentimental Save the Date: namely for our final event on July 07, 2023, probably starting at 3 pm at ZeM! A small program is already in the making, and a party is planned for the evening. We look forward to seeing you there. More info will be online soon.
But now back to the writing tunnel!
Anja Breljak
for the SENSING-Team
Table of Contents
✻ Activities
“Everyday AI: Künstliche Intelligenz in gegenwärtigen Interface-Kulturen”
Workshop by AG Interfaces, Bauhaus-University Weimar (University Library Lounge, Steubenstraße 6/8, 99423 Weimar)
Organized by Timo Kaerlein, Sabine Wirth, Daniel Stoecker, Nicole Schimkus
“Ubiquitous Technicity – A Proposal for Charting Philosophy of Technology”
Opening Keynote at Conference “Techno-Politics. Charting the Unknown”. University Coimbra, Portugal.
“String Disfigurations”
Paper presentation at the BY DESIGN OR BY DISASTER Conference 2023, Silandro, Italy.
“Between Moons. Spree-Channelsea Transmissions”
Cultural Bridge Programme 2023, UK + Germany
“’A Smile Looks The Same On Everyone’s Face’: Narratives in the Use of Facial Emotion Recognition in Market Research”
Presentation at the Annual Conference, CRC Media of Cooperation, University of Siegen
“In Arbeit: Planetarische Betriebs-Systeme und operative Bilder/Töne”
Talk at the annual conference of the Society for Media Studies 2022 at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
“Arbeit an den Affekt-Ereignissen”
Talk at the annual conference of the Society for Media Studies 2022 at the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
“An Experiment in Radio Ecology”, Sonic Acts Sound Art Biennial, Amsterdam
“Die Welt als Salon. Zur Räumlichkeit sensorbasierter Mensch-Computer-Relationen”
presentation at the Bodies Move Differently in Presence Symposium, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Munich
“Sites of Affect: Das Gesicht zwischen Medium und Mediatisierung”
Workshop at the Symposium un:reale Interaktionsräume at Potsdam University of Applied Sciences
“Companion Technologies”
Presentation at the at the International Conference of Photography and Theory 2022, Nicosia
“I hear, therefore I know – The creative academic format of the ‘Audio Paper'”
SW2 JetztMusik, cultural programme of Südwestrundfunk
“Infrastructures of Autonomy”
International conference, organized by the ZeM and the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG)
“Programmatic autonomy. New conditions of automation”
Talk at the international conference »Infrastructures of Autonomy«
“Infrastructures of De-Automatisation”
Talk at the international conference »Infrastructures of Autonomy«
“Screen Images – Screenshot, Screencast, In-Game Photography”
Book presentation with Sebastian Möring and Marco De Mutiis at C/O Berlin
✻ Output
Bernd Bösel: Die Plastizität der Gefühle. Das affektive Leben zwischen Psychotechnik und Ereignis, Frankfurt a.M. & New York: Campus, 2023 (OPEN ACCESS-Version).
Bernd Bösel (Ed.): Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien / Sensible Medien / Fürsorgende Medien. AugenBlick 85: Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft. Marburg. Schüren.
Jan Distelmeyer: “A Case for Interface Studies: From Screenshots to Desktop/Screen Films”.In: Winfried Gerling, Sebastian Möring und Marco De Mutiis (Eds.): Screen Images : In-Game Photography Screenshot Screencast. Berlin, Kadmos, 2023.
Jan Distelmeyer: “Which Operativity? On Political Aspects of Operational Images and Sounds”. In: Interface Critique, Vol. 4, 2023.
Winfried Gerling: “Screen Images : In-Game Photography Screenshot Screencast“. Winfried Gerling, Sebastian Möring and Marco De Mutiis (Eds.), Berlin, Kadmos, 2023.
Vanessa Oberin: “Touching, Swiping, Feeling: The intertwining of the senses with the smartphone”, In: Bina Elisabeth Mohn, Jutta Wiesemann, Pip Hare, und Astrid Vogelpohl (Eds.): Reinventing Touch. Sensory Practices in Digital Childhoods. Diverse perspectives encounter 10 camera ethnographic scenes. Berlin, Münster, Wien, Zürich, London: LIT, 2023.
Marie-Luise Angerer: Nichtbewusst. Affektive Kurzschlüsse zwischen Psyche und Maschine, Turia & Kant, Wien, 2022.
Bernd Bösel: “Affective Extractivism. The Dispositional Challenge to Feel Differently”, in: Palgrave Handbook of Critical Posthumanism. Eds.: Herbrechter, S., Callus, I., Rossini, M., Grech, M., de Bruin-Molé, M., Müller, J. C., 2022.
Bernd Bösel: „Was heißt kultivieren?“, in: Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2022/1. Hamburg: Meiner.
Bernd Bösel: “Prozessieren“ (mit Marie Heinrichs), in: Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 3. Eds.: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: Böhlau/UTB , 2022.
Jan Distelmeyer: “leiten.” In: Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 3. Eds.: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: Böhlau/UTB, 2022.
Jan Distelmeyer: Critique of Digitality, London & Wiesbaden: Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
Kate Donovan: Voices on/of Radio. To Imagine, to Make Manifest. versorgerin #135, Stadtwerkstatt, Linz, 2022.
Kate Donovan: Playful, Polyphonic Listening, explore dance Journal, Potsdam, 2022.
Winfried Gerling: “screenshotten.” In: Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 3. Eds.: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: Böhlau/UTB, 2022.
Winfried Gerling: “zoomen.” In: Historisches Wörterbuch des Mediengebrauchs Band 3. Eds.: Heiko Christians, Matthias Bickenbach, Nikolaus Wegmann. Weimar: Böhlau/UTB, 2022.
Winfried Gerling: “Verdammt nah dran – die GoPro als Companion Technology.” In: AugenBlick – Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft, 85: Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien – Sensible Medien – Fürsorgende Medien. 2022.
Vanessa Oberin: Other(ed) Feelings, Feeling Otherwise. Affekt, Race und sentimentale Biomacht. In: Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, ZfM Online, Review Essay, 2022.
Nicole Schimkus / Alice Soiné / Daniel Stoecker: “Medien der Zuwendung. Ein Gespräch über Interfacing-Konstellationen”, In: AugenBlick (85): Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien – Sensible Medien – Fürsorgende Medien, Eds.: Bernd Bösel, 2022.
Christian Schwinghammer: „Besides One Flow: Quantum Virtuality, Entangled Becomings, and the De-coherence of Ontology“. In: Liquidity, Flows, Circulation: The Cultural Logic of Environmentalization. Eds.: Mathias Denecke, Holger Kuhn, Milan Stürmer. Diaphanes, 2022.
Christian Schwinghammer: „Wendung über Wendung? Das (biologische) Selbst und die Frage der Relation“. In: AugenBlick (85): Automatisierte Zuwendung. Affektive Medien – Sensible Medien – Fürsorgende Medien, Eds.: Bernd Bösel, 2022.